Alfa e-Parts launches 122 more MAF sensors and 3 new product families
In addition, they have the Alfa HT1 Valve Tester to check the correct operation of the valves and avoid incorrect warranties
Alfa e-Parts, the newest brand of electrical and electronic parts that is part of the European Division of BBB Industries (BBB), is once again launching new products on the market, covering: blower fan resistor, MAF sensor, window switch, ignition switch, wheel speed sensor, EGR valve, parking sensor, auxiliary water pump, crankshaft/camshaft position sensor, washing water pump, intake manifold module, thermostat, fuel/oil level sensor, and some electrical connectors.
MAF sensors have become the product family with the largest presence in its new parts communications. Half a year ago 93 items were introduced, and now it is launching 122 new part numbers, bringing the total number of MAF sensors in its catalog to 244.
Staying true to the brand´s commitment to covering all customer needs, Alfa e-Parts also introduces new product families, as follows:
Blower fan resistor – AC (106 part numbers) and Radiators (28 part numbers): components that regulate the intensity of the air entering the vehicle’s passenger compartment.
Ignition switch (19 part numbers): component that is operated by the ignition key and is responsible for converting the electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy to start the engine.
We are committed to a product 100% designed, manufactured and tested under rigorous and exhaustive quality tests, a wide range that will not stop growing, and a service that meets the expectations of our customers (taking advantage of the logistics of the BBB Industries group brands).
Featured families in March 2023 release
MAF sensor = 122 part numbers
(Family Sensors / Subfamily Motor Management)
Blower fan resistor – AC = 106 part numbers
(Family Actuators / Subfamily Air Conditioning)
Blower fan resistor – Radiator = 28 part numbers
(Family Actuators / Subfamily Refrigeration)
Windows switch = 24 part numbers
(Family Switches / Subfamily Comfort and Vehicle Interior)
Ignition switch = 19 part numbers
(Family Switches / Subfamily Motor Management)
To see more technical information about each part, view our Catalog of New Releases. Also, the part numbers are available in March 15’s TecDoc.
Smart packaging with safety sealing
Alfa e-Parts packaging includes a QR code to help customers quickly locate information about the part they need. When scanned, the QR code on the labels links to its online catalog to access information about each part, its technical specifications, applications and OE codes. All Alfa e-Parts spare parts are supplied in a sealed transparent bag with a label informing that it’s non-returnable if the plastic bag is opened. That is why it’s important for our customers to have the information they need to order the right part the first time.
Quality, the cornerstone of the Alfa e-Parts Project
One of the differentiating factors of the Alfa e-Parts brand is quality. Alfa e-Parts recently obtained the ISO 9001 certification for its Quality Management System. This accreditation guarantees the continuous improvement and high quality of Alfa e-Parts’ processes and products.
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